(617) 347-2066 support@purplewrench.com



Key Platform Benefits


The repetitive everyday tasks involved with running a business take up WAY too much time. We want to help reduce that workload, by trading in monotonous paper work for a digital platform that can do the heavy-lifting on your behalf, and can be easily viewed/edited by anyone in your network. Giving you more freedom to spend time on what really matters


The range of customer preferences in today’s marketplace is significant, and companies need the ability to cater to each individual customer. For example, “old school” phone call communications just wont work for Millennials. They need digital options, and they’ll look until they find a company that can offer it, so why not make that you? Whether it’s texting, email or phone call we have an easy way to communicate with any customer.


Employees are tough to find in today’s environment, but when you find one, you want to get them up to speed as quickly as possible. Having one centralized training system will be as simple as it gets, and will have them acting like a seasoned vet in no time.


No one likes to think about it, but if you got hit by a bus today, this systems allows anyone to step in, and get up to speed quickly without much of a learning curve. Have you ever dreamed of selling your business? Well, an acquirer would love the idea of learning one central platform vs 5-6 different vendors.


Similar field service platforms charge per field tech, which makes it almost impossible for most businesses to afford. We don’t think that makes sense, so we offer affordable per company pricing. So whether you have 2 field technicians or 20, the cost remains the same. On top of that, we can also bundle our field service platform with digital ad management and website management to make your life easier, and save you more money.


Our ultimate goal is make your life easier, and that starts with reducing the number of vendors you work with, and reducing your points of contact. Doing this helps you save time, but also allows us to gain a deeper understanding of your needs and wants within the business. It allows us to take work off your plate by forecasting potential issues/shortcomings and resolving them together.


(per company, NOT per technician)


Our team at PurpleWrench is constantly refining and adding tools/features for you and your teams. If there’s something specific to your business that would help maximize efficiency, we’re all ears.

Customer Management (CRM)

We offer a full CRM experience. Keep track of all your important client details, including contact info, jobs, invoices and payment history.

Ad Spend Management

We offer fixed cost, focused campaigns using Google and facebook retargeting, with detailed information behind each lead generated from your ad spend.


Drag and drop real-time scheduling, allowing you to get your team to the right place at the right time. Each job can outline schedule, job description and customer contact information (including photos).

Inventory Tracking

Most businesses only have a vague idea of what their inventory really looks like. We allow for accurately tracked inventory for items big and small, that takes the guessing out of it.

Email Marketing

We offer several pre-populated email templates for your ease. All you have to do, is select your target customers, a template and hit send! Of course, you can feel free to customize these however you see fit!

Route Optimization

Efficiency is everything for a service business, so plan each day to maximize your team’s time. More time, more jobs, more money.

Online Booking

Allows your customers, new and old, to submit job requests electronically. We’ll send you a notification that allows you to review the request, accept and send a quote, or deny it.

Client Communications

Every customer is different, but most like to be informed. Avoid countless calls by sending your customers automated updates leading up to the job. This type of communication goes a long way to making your customers “lifers”.


No secret that everyone likes to get paid as quickly as possible. Our electronic invoicing allows you send out branded invoices once the job is complete, that allows customers to pay with one click, and a credit card.

Online Payments

Our system allows you to collect credit payments right after the job in person, or online. This comes with your account, so no hidden set up fees. All you need to do is set up your bank account of choice, and start collecting.

Landing Page

We provide custom mobile-friendly landing pages for your business. Whether it’s a holiday promotion, or a lead-capture form, just send us the information and we’ll spin it up. Easy as that!

Advanced Reporting

We have a handful of great template reports (financial, inventory, service and client reports). Any data we store in your account can be displayed in a nice, digestible package for your review.